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Tag category MS_chromatogram_ion

Key tags (columns):

Tags in table MS_chromatogram_ion:

TagDescriptiondata typeMandatory
Entry_IDPointer to '_Entry.ID'codeyes
Full_width_half_maximumThe full width of the mass to charge signal at half maximum intensity.float 
IDUnique identifier for the observed MZ ratio value.intyes
MS_chromatogram_list_IDPointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.ID'intyes
MZ_IntensityThe intensity of the mass to charge ratio signal.floatyes
MZ_ratioA reported mass to charge ratio value.floatyes
MZ_ratio_errThe error in the reported mass to charge ratio value.float 
MZ_relative_intensityThe relative intensity of the mass to charge ratio value.float 
Sf_IDPointer to '_MS_chromatogram_list.Sf_ID'intyes
S_N_ratioThe signal to noise ratio of the mass to charge signal.float