data_bmse001193 ####################### # Entry information # ####################### save_entry_information _Entry.Sf_category entry_information _Entry.Sf_framecode entry_information _Entry.ID bmse001193 _Entry.Title ; Berberine chloride ; _Entry.Type 'metabolite/natural product' _Entry.Version_type original _Entry.Submission_date 2016-06-24 _Entry.Accession_date 2016-06-24 _Entry.Last_release_date 2016-06-24 _Entry.Original_release_date 2016-06-24 _Entry.Origination author _Entry.NMR_STAR_version _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version _Entry.Experimental_method NMR _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype solution _Entry.DOI 10.13018/BMSE001193 loop_ _Entry_author.Ordinal _Entry_author.Given_name _Entry_author.Family_name _Entry_author.First_initial _Entry_author.Middle_initials _Entry_author.Family_title _Entry_author.Entry_ID 1 Maria Nesterova M. . . bmse001193 2 Lawrence Clos L. J. II bmse001193 3 Christopher Stancic C. . . bmse001193 4 Mark Anderson M. E. . bmse001193 5 John Markley J. L. . bmse001193 stop_ loop_ _Entry_src.ID _Entry_src.Project_name _Entry_src.Organization_full_name _Entry_src.Organization_initials _Entry_src.Entry_ID 1 metabolomics 'National Magnetic Resonance Facility at Madison' NMRFAM bmse001193 stop_ loop_ _Data_set.Type _Data_set.Count _Data_set.Entry_ID assigned_chemical_shifts 1 bmse001193 spectral_peak_list 5 bmse001193 stop_ loop_ _Datum.Type _Datum.Count _Datum.Entry_ID '13C chemical shifts' 20 bmse001193 '1H chemical shifts' 18 bmse001193 stop_ loop_ _Release.Release_number _Release.Format_type _Release.Format_version _Release.Date _Release.Submission_date _Release.Type _Release.Author _Release.Detail _Release.Entry_ID 1 . . 2016-06-24 . original BMRB . bmse001193 2 . . 2017-10-12 2017-10-12 update BMRB 'Remediated Experiment_file loop if present and standardized mol and png file tags.' bmse001193 3 . . 2017-12-19 2017-10-12 update BMRB 'InChI numbering updated according to ALATIS' bmse001193 stop_ save_ ############### # Citations # ############### save_citation_pubchem _Citation.Sf_category citations _Citation.Sf_framecode citation_pubchem _Citation.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Citation.ID 1 _Citation.Class 'reference citation' _Citation.DOI 10.1093/nar/gkl1031 _Citation.PubMed_ID 17170002 _Citation.Title ; Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information ; _Citation.Status published _Citation.Type journal _Citation.Journal_abbrev 'Nucleic Acids Res.' _Citation.Journal_name_full 'Nucleic Acids Research' _Citation.Journal_volume 35 _Citation.Journal_issue 'Database issue' _Citation.Journal_ISSN 0305-1048 _Citation.Page_first D1 _Citation.Page_last D2 _Citation.Year 2007 loop_ _Citation_author.Ordinal _Citation_author.Given_name _Citation_author.Family_name _Citation_author.First_initial _Citation_author.Middle_initials _Citation_author.Entry_ID _Citation_author.Citation_ID 1 David Wheeler D. L. bmse001193 1 2 Tanya Barrett T. . bmse001193 1 3 Dennis Benson D. A. bmse001193 1 4 Stephen Bryant S. H. bmse001193 1 5 Kathi Canese K. . bmse001193 1 6 Vyacheslav Chetvenin V. . bmse001193 1 7 Deanna Church D. M. bmse001193 1 8 Michael DiCuccio M. . bmse001193 1 9 Ron Edgar R. . bmse001193 1 10 Scott Federhen S. . bmse001193 1 11 Lewis Geer L. Y. bmse001193 1 13 Yuri Kapustin Y. . bmse001193 1 14 Oleg Khovayko O. . bmse001193 1 15 David Landsman D. . bmse001193 1 16 David Lipman D. J. bmse001193 1 17 Thomas Madden T. L. bmse001193 1 18 Donna Maglott D. R. bmse001193 1 19 James Ostell J. . bmse001193 1 20 Vadim Miller V. . bmse001193 1 21 Kim Pruitt K. D. bmse001193 1 22 Gregory Schuler G. D. bmse001193 1 23 Edwin Sequeira E. . bmse001193 1 24 Steven Sherry S. T. bmse001193 1 25 Karl Sirotkin K. . bmse001193 1 26 Alexandre Souvorov A. . bmse001193 1 27 Grigory Starchenko G. . bmse001193 1 28 Roman Tatusov R. L. bmse001193 1 29 Tatiana Tatusova T. A. bmse001193 1 30 Lukas Wagner L. . bmse001193 1 31 Eugene Yaschenko E. . bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ save_citation_nmrbot _Citation.Sf_category citations _Citation.Sf_framecode citation_nmrbot _Citation.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Citation.ID 2 _Citation.Class 'reference citation' _Citation.DOI 10.1007/s11306-012-0490-9 _Citation.PubMed_ID PMC3651530 _Citation.Title ; NMRbot: Python scripts enable high-throughput data collection on current Bruker BioSpin NMR spectrometers ; _Citation.Status published _Citation.Type journal _Citation.Journal_abbrev Metabolomics _Citation.Journal_name_full Metabolomics _Citation.Journal_volume 9 _Citation.Journal_issue 3 _Citation.Journal_ISSN 1573-3882 _Citation.Page_first 558 _Citation.Page_last 563 _Citation.Year 2013 loop_ _Citation_author.Ordinal _Citation_author.Given_name _Citation_author.Family_name _Citation_author.First_initial _Citation_author.Middle_initials _Citation_author.Family_title _Citation_author.Entry_ID _Citation_author.Citation_ID 1 Lawrence Clos L. J. II bmse001193 2 2 M Jofre M. F. . bmse001193 2 3 James Ellinger J. J. . bmse001193 2 4 William Westler W. M. . bmse001193 2 5 John Markley J. L. . bmse001193 2 stop_ save_ ############################################# # Molecular system (assembly) description # ############################################# save_assembly_1 _Assembly.Sf_category assembly _Assembly.Sf_framecode assembly_1 _Assembly.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Assembly.ID 1 _Assembly.Name 'Berberine chloride' _Assembly.Number_of_components 1 _Assembly.Paramagnetic no _Assembly.Thiol_state 'not present' loop_ _Entity_assembly.ID _Entity_assembly.Entity_assembly_name _Entity_assembly.Entity_ID _Entity_assembly.Entity_label _Entity_assembly.Experimental_data_reported _Entity_assembly.Physical_state _Entity_assembly.Conformational_isomer _Entity_assembly.Chemical_exchange_state _Entity_assembly.Entry_ID _Entity_assembly.Assembly_ID 1 'Berberine chloride' 1 $entity_1 yes native no no bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Atom.Assembly_atom_ID _Atom.Entity_assembly_ID _Atom.Entity_ID _Atom.Comp_index_ID _Atom.Seq_ID _Atom.Comp_ID _Atom.Atom_ID _Atom.Type_symbol _Atom.Entry_ID _Atom.Assembly_ID 1 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 Cl44 Cl bmse001193 1 2 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 O25 O bmse001193 1 3 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 O24 O bmse001193 1 4 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 O23 O bmse001193 1 5 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 O22 O bmse001193 1 6 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 N21 N bmse001193 1 7 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C16 C bmse001193 1 8 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C14 C bmse001193 1 9 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C13 C bmse001193 1 10 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C15 C bmse001193 1 11 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C12 C bmse001193 1 12 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C7 C bmse001193 1 13 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C10 C bmse001193 1 14 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C19 C bmse001193 1 15 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C9 C bmse001193 1 16 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C20 C bmse001193 1 17 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C18 C bmse001193 1 18 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C8 C bmse001193 1 19 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C6 C bmse001193 1 20 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C5 C bmse001193 1 21 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C17 C bmse001193 1 22 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C3 C bmse001193 1 23 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C4 C bmse001193 1 24 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C11 C bmse001193 1 25 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C2 C bmse001193 1 26 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C1 C bmse001193 1 27 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H38 H bmse001193 1 28 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H41 H bmse001193 1 29 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H40 H bmse001193 1 30 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H39 H bmse001193 1 31 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H36 H bmse001193 1 32 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H37 H bmse001193 1 33 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H34 H bmse001193 1 34 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H35 H bmse001193 1 35 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H32 H bmse001193 1 36 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H33 H bmse001193 1 37 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H42 H bmse001193 1 38 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H43 H bmse001193 1 39 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H31 H bmse001193 1 40 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H30 H bmse001193 1 41 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H29 H bmse001193 1 42 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H27 H bmse001193 1 43 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H28 H bmse001193 1 44 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 H26 H bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ #################################### # Biological polymers and ligands # #################################### save_entity_1 _Entity.Sf_category entity _Entity.Sf_framecode entity_1 _Entity.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Entity.ID 1 _Entity.Name 'Berberine chloride' _Entity.Type non-polymer _Entity.Ambiguous_conformational_states no _Entity.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites no _Entity.Nstd_monomer no _Entity.Nstd_chirality no _Entity.Nstd_linkage no _Entity.Nonpolymer_comp_ID BMET001193 _Entity.Paramagnetic no _Entity.Thiol_state 'not present' _Entity.Formula_weight 371.81422 loop_ _Entity_comp_index.ID _Entity_comp_index.Auth_seq_ID _Entity_comp_index.Comp_ID _Entity_comp_index.Comp_label _Entity_comp_index.Entry_ID _Entity_comp_index.Entity_ID 1 1 BMET001193 $chem_comp_1 bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Entity_atom_list.ID _Entity_atom_list.Comp_index_ID _Entity_atom_list.Comp_ID _Entity_atom_list.Atom_ID _Entity_atom_list.Entry_ID _Entity_atom_list.Entity_ID 1 1 BMET001193 Cl44 bmse001193 1 2 1 BMET001193 O25 bmse001193 1 3 1 BMET001193 O24 bmse001193 1 4 1 BMET001193 O23 bmse001193 1 5 1 BMET001193 O22 bmse001193 1 6 1 BMET001193 N21 bmse001193 1 7 1 BMET001193 C16 bmse001193 1 8 1 BMET001193 C14 bmse001193 1 9 1 BMET001193 C13 bmse001193 1 10 1 BMET001193 C15 bmse001193 1 11 1 BMET001193 C12 bmse001193 1 12 1 BMET001193 C7 bmse001193 1 13 1 BMET001193 C10 bmse001193 1 14 1 BMET001193 C19 bmse001193 1 15 1 BMET001193 C9 bmse001193 1 16 1 BMET001193 C20 bmse001193 1 17 1 BMET001193 C18 bmse001193 1 18 1 BMET001193 C8 bmse001193 1 19 1 BMET001193 C6 bmse001193 1 20 1 BMET001193 C5 bmse001193 1 21 1 BMET001193 C17 bmse001193 1 22 1 BMET001193 C3 bmse001193 1 23 1 BMET001193 C4 bmse001193 1 24 1 BMET001193 C11 bmse001193 1 25 1 BMET001193 C2 bmse001193 1 26 1 BMET001193 C1 bmse001193 1 27 1 BMET001193 H38 bmse001193 1 28 1 BMET001193 H41 bmse001193 1 29 1 BMET001193 H40 bmse001193 1 30 1 BMET001193 H39 bmse001193 1 31 1 BMET001193 H36 bmse001193 1 32 1 BMET001193 H37 bmse001193 1 33 1 BMET001193 H34 bmse001193 1 34 1 BMET001193 H35 bmse001193 1 35 1 BMET001193 H32 bmse001193 1 36 1 BMET001193 H33 bmse001193 1 37 1 BMET001193 H42 bmse001193 1 38 1 BMET001193 H43 bmse001193 1 39 1 BMET001193 H31 bmse001193 1 40 1 BMET001193 H30 bmse001193 1 41 1 BMET001193 H29 bmse001193 1 42 1 BMET001193 H27 bmse001193 1 43 1 BMET001193 H28 bmse001193 1 44 1 BMET001193 H26 bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ #################### # Natural source # #################### save_natural_source _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_category natural_source _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_framecode natural_source _Entity_natural_src_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Entity_natural_src_list.ID 1 loop_ _Entity_natural_src.ID _Entity_natural_src.Entity_ID _Entity_natural_src.Entity_label _Entity_natural_src.NCBI_taxonomy_ID _Entity_natural_src.Type _Entity_natural_src.Common _Entity_natural_src.Organism_name_scientific _Entity_natural_src.Organism_name_common _Entity_natural_src.Superkingdom _Entity_natural_src.Genus _Entity_natural_src.Species _Entity_natural_src.Entry_ID _Entity_natural_src.Entity_natural_src_list_ID 1 1 $entity_1 na 'multiple natural sources' yes na na na na na bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ ######################### # Experimental source # ######################### save_experimental_source _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_category experimental_source _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_framecode experimental_source _Entity_experimental_src_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Entity_experimental_src_list.ID 1 loop_ _Entity_experimental_src.ID _Entity_experimental_src.Entity_ID _Entity_experimental_src.Entity_label _Entity_experimental_src.Production_method _Entity_experimental_src.Entry_ID _Entity_experimental_src.Entity_experimental_src_list_ID 1 1 $entity_1 'chemical synthesis' bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ ################################# # Polymer residues and ligands # ################################# save_chem_comp_1 _Chem_comp.Sf_category chem_comp _Chem_comp.Sf_framecode chem_comp_1 _Chem_comp.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Chem_comp.ID BMET001193 _Chem_comp.Provenance BMRB _Chem_comp.Name 'Berberine chloride' _Chem_comp.Type non-polymer _Chem_comp.BMRB_code BMET001193 _Chem_comp.Initial_date 2016-06-24 _Chem_comp.Number_atoms_all 44 _Chem_comp.Number_atoms_nh 26 _Chem_comp.InChI_code InChI=1S/C20H18NO4.ClH/c1-22-17-4-3-12-7-16-14-9-19-18(24-11-25-19)8-13(14)5-6-21(16)10-15(12)20(17)23-2;/h3-4,7-10H,5-6,11H2,1-2H3;1H/q+1;/p-1 _Chem_comp.Formal_charge 0 _Chem_comp.Paramagnetic no _Chem_comp.Aromatic yes _Chem_comp.Formula C20H18ClNO4 _Chem_comp.Formula_weight 371.81422 _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_nat 371.092435741 _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C 391.159532501001 _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_15N 372.089470634001 _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C_15N 392.156567394001 _Chem_comp.Image_file_name bmse001193.png _Chem_comp.Image_file_format png _Chem_comp.Struct_file_name bmse001193.mol _Chem_comp.Struct_file_format mol loop_ _Chem_comp_common_name.Name _Chem_comp_common_name.Type _Chem_comp_common_name.Entry_ID _Chem_comp_common_name.Comp_ID 'Berberine chloride' name bmse001193 BMET001193 stop_ loop_ _Chem_comp_descriptor.Descriptor _Chem_comp_descriptor.Type _Chem_comp_descriptor.Program _Chem_comp_descriptor.Program_version _Chem_comp_descriptor.Entry_ID _Chem_comp_descriptor.Comp_ID COc1c(OC)ccc2c1c[n+]1CCc3c(c1c2)cc1c(c3)OCO1.[Cl-] SMILES OpenBabel 2.3.2 bmse001193 BMET001193 COc1c(OC)ccc2c1c[n+]1CCc3c(c1c2)cc1c(c3)OCO1.[Cl-] SMILES_CANONICAL OpenBabel 2.3.2 bmse001193 BMET001193 COc1ccc2cc3[n+](cc2c1OC)CCc1cc2c(cc1-3)OCO2.[Cl-] SMILES_CANONICAL RDKit 2016.03.1 bmse001193 BMET001193 COc1ccc2cc3[n+](cc2c1OC)CCc1cc2c(cc1-3)OCO2.[Cl-] SMILES_ISOMERIC RDKit 2016.03.1 bmse001193 BMET001193 ; InChI=1S/C20H18NO4.ClH/c1-22-17-4-3-12-7-16-14-9-19-18(24-11-25-19)8-13(14)5-6-21(16)10-15(12)20(17)23-2;/h3-4,7-10H,5-6,11H2,1-2H3;1H/q+1;/p-1 ; INCHI OpenBabel 2.3.2 bmse001193 BMET001193 ; InChI=1S/C20H18NO4.ClH/c1-22-17-4-3-12-7-16-14-9-19-18(24-11-25-19)8-13(14)5-6-21(16)10-15(12)20(17)23-2;/h3-4,7-10H,5-6,11H2,1-2H3;1H/q+1;/p-1 ; INCHI RDKit 2016.03.1 bmse001193 BMET001193 VKJGBAJNNALVAV-UHFFFAOYSA-M INCHI_KEY OpenBabel 2.3.2 bmse001193 BMET001193 VKJGBAJNNALVAV-UHFFFAOYSA-M INCHI_KEY RDKit 2016.03.1 bmse001193 BMET001193 [Cl-].O1c2cc3c(cc2OC1)CC[n+]1c-3cc2c(c1)c(OC)c(OC)cc2 SMILES RDKit 2016.03.1 bmse001193 BMET001193 InChI=1S/C20H18NO4.ClH/c1-22-17-4-3-12-7-16-14-9-19-18(24-11-25-19)8-13(14)5-6-21(16)10-15(12)20(17)23-2;/h3-4,7-10H,5-6,11H2,1-2H3;1H/q+1;/p-1 INCHI ALATIS 1.0 bmse001193 BMET001193 stop_ loop_ _Chem_comp_atom.Atom_ID _Chem_comp_atom.Type_symbol _Chem_comp_atom.Stereo_config _Chem_comp_atom.Charge _Chem_comp_atom.Aromatic_flag _Chem_comp_atom.Drawing_2D_coord_x _Chem_comp_atom.Drawing_2D_coord_y _Chem_comp_atom.PDBX_ordinal _Chem_comp_atom.Entry_ID _Chem_comp_atom.Comp_ID Cl44 Cl N -1 no 1.2345 2.4966 1 bmse001193 BMET001193 O25 O N 0 no 2.3517 -3.1276 2 bmse001193 BMET001193 O24 O N 0 no 3.7517 -2.3138 3 bmse001193 BMET001193 O23 O N 0 no -2.1759 2.3483 4 bmse001193 BMET001193 O22 O N 0 no -3.9034 1.3483 5 bmse001193 BMET001193 N21 N N 1 yes 0.4138 0.8483 6 bmse001193 BMET001193 C16 C N 0 yes 0.4138 -0.1517 7 bmse001193 BMET001193 C14 C N 0 yes 1.2828 -0.6483 8 bmse001193 BMET001193 C13 C N 0 yes 2.1448 -0.1517 9 bmse001193 BMET001193 C15 C N 0 yes -1.3034 0.8483 10 bmse001193 BMET001193 C12 C N 0 yes -1.3034 -0.1517 11 bmse001193 BMET001193 C7 C N 0 yes -0.4483 -0.6483 12 bmse001193 BMET001193 C10 C N 0 yes -0.4483 1.3483 13 bmse001193 BMET001193 C19 C N 0 yes 2.1448 -2.1483 14 bmse001193 BMET001193 C9 C N 0 yes 1.2828 -1.6483 15 bmse001193 BMET001193 C20 C N 0 yes -2.1759 1.3483 16 bmse001193 BMET001193 C18 C N 0 yes 3.0138 -1.6483 17 bmse001193 BMET001193 C8 C N 0 yes 3.0138 -0.6483 18 bmse001193 BMET001193 C6 C N 0 no 1.2828 1.3483 19 bmse001193 BMET001193 C5 C N 0 no 2.1448 0.8483 20 bmse001193 BMET001193 C17 C N 0 yes -3.0379 0.8483 21 bmse001193 BMET001193 C3 C N 0 yes -2.1759 -0.6483 22 bmse001193 BMET001193 C4 C N 0 yes -3.0379 -0.1517 23 bmse001193 BMET001193 C11 C N 0 no 3.3517 -3.2345 24 bmse001193 BMET001193 C2 C N 0 no -3.0379 2.8483 25 bmse001193 BMET001193 C1 C N 0 no -4.7759 0.8483 26 bmse001193 BMET001193 H38 H N 0 no -0.450123259882477 -1.68029838939962 27 bmse001193 BMET001193 H41 H N 0 no -0.450129441802469 2.38029837845933 28 bmse001193 BMET001193 H40 H N 0 no 0.388541146151625 -2.163397177544 29 bmse001193 BMET001193 H39 H N 0 no 3.90639363519951 -0.130322585047062 30 bmse001193 BMET001193 H36 H N 0 no 1.28467421941269 2.41829835855089 31 bmse001193 BMET001193 H37 H N 0 no 2.21045436957122 1.88155169537041 32 bmse001193 BMET001193 H34 H N 0 no 3.07198698993969 1.38236393408147 33 bmse001193 BMET001193 H35 H N 0 no 2.14642084087098 1.91829877237073 34 bmse001193 BMET001193 H32 H N 0 no -2.17859403587041 -1.68029648360386 35 bmse001193 BMET001193 H33 H N 0 no -3.93139646513933 -0.668118499652675 36 bmse001193 BMET001193 H42 H N 0 no 3.89005738178622 -4.1592006702043 37 bmse001193 BMET001193 H43 H N 0 no 4.41985782475969 -3.1717396510156 38 bmse001193 BMET001193 H31 H N 0 no -3.03573887948152 3.91829781754829 39 bmse001193 BMET001193 H30 H N 0 no -3.96562585224996 2.3151726764955 40 bmse001193 BMET001193 H29 H N 0 no -3.96346473173149 3.38517049404379 41 bmse001193 BMET001193 H27 H N 0 no -5.70082009204965 1.3862803187133 42 bmse001193 BMET001193 H28 H N 0 no -4.77934457671694 -0.22169445554229 43 bmse001193 BMET001193 H26 H N 0 no -5.70426466876659 0.316285863171008 44 bmse001193 BMET001193 stop_ loop_ _Chem_comp_bond.ID _Chem_comp_bond.Type _Chem_comp_bond.Value_order _Chem_comp_bond.Atom_ID_1 _Chem_comp_bond.Atom_ID_2 _Chem_comp_bond.Aromatic_flag _Chem_comp_bond.Stereo_config _Chem_comp_bond.Ordinal _Chem_comp_bond.Entry_ID _Chem_comp_bond.Comp_ID 1 covalent SING O25 C19 no N 1 bmse001193 BMET001193 2 covalent SING O25 C11 no N 2 bmse001193 BMET001193 3 covalent SING O24 C18 no N 3 bmse001193 BMET001193 4 covalent SING O24 C11 no N 4 bmse001193 BMET001193 5 covalent SING O23 C20 no N 5 bmse001193 BMET001193 6 covalent SING O23 C2 no N 6 bmse001193 BMET001193 7 covalent SING O22 C17 no N 7 bmse001193 BMET001193 8 covalent SING O22 C1 no N 8 bmse001193 BMET001193 9 covalent AROM N21 C16 yes N 9 bmse001193 BMET001193 10 covalent AROM N21 C10 yes N 10 bmse001193 BMET001193 11 covalent SING N21 C6 no N 11 bmse001193 BMET001193 12 covalent SING C16 C14 no N 12 bmse001193 BMET001193 13 covalent AROM C16 C7 yes N 13 bmse001193 BMET001193 14 covalent AROM C14 C13 yes N 14 bmse001193 BMET001193 15 covalent AROM C14 C9 yes N 15 bmse001193 BMET001193 16 covalent AROM C13 C8 yes N 16 bmse001193 BMET001193 17 covalent SING C13 C5 no N 17 bmse001193 BMET001193 18 covalent AROM C15 C12 yes N 18 bmse001193 BMET001193 19 covalent AROM C15 C10 yes N 19 bmse001193 BMET001193 20 covalent AROM C15 C20 yes N 20 bmse001193 BMET001193 21 covalent AROM C12 C7 yes N 21 bmse001193 BMET001193 22 covalent AROM C12 C3 yes N 22 bmse001193 BMET001193 23 covalent AROM C19 C9 yes N 23 bmse001193 BMET001193 24 covalent AROM C19 C18 yes N 24 bmse001193 BMET001193 25 covalent AROM C20 C17 yes N 25 bmse001193 BMET001193 26 covalent AROM C18 C8 yes N 26 bmse001193 BMET001193 27 covalent SING C6 C5 no N 27 bmse001193 BMET001193 28 covalent AROM C17 C4 yes N 28 bmse001193 BMET001193 29 covalent AROM C3 C4 yes N 29 bmse001193 BMET001193 30 covalent SING C7 H38 no N 30 bmse001193 BMET001193 31 covalent SING C10 H41 no N 31 bmse001193 BMET001193 32 covalent SING C9 H40 no N 32 bmse001193 BMET001193 33 covalent SING C8 H39 no N 33 bmse001193 BMET001193 34 covalent SING C6 H36 no N 34 bmse001193 BMET001193 35 covalent SING C6 H37 no N 35 bmse001193 BMET001193 36 covalent SING C5 H34 no N 36 bmse001193 BMET001193 37 covalent SING C5 H35 no N 37 bmse001193 BMET001193 38 covalent SING C3 H32 no N 38 bmse001193 BMET001193 39 covalent SING C4 H33 no N 39 bmse001193 BMET001193 40 covalent SING C11 H42 no N 40 bmse001193 BMET001193 41 covalent SING C11 H43 no N 41 bmse001193 BMET001193 42 covalent SING C2 H31 no N 42 bmse001193 BMET001193 43 covalent SING C2 H30 no N 43 bmse001193 BMET001193 44 covalent SING C2 H29 no N 44 bmse001193 BMET001193 45 covalent SING C1 H27 no N 45 bmse001193 BMET001193 46 covalent SING C1 H28 no N 46 bmse001193 BMET001193 47 covalent SING C1 H26 no N 47 bmse001193 BMET001193 stop_ loop_ _Chem_comp_db_link.Author_supplied _Chem_comp_db_link.Database_code _Chem_comp_db_link.Accession_code _Chem_comp_db_link.Accession_code_type _Chem_comp_db_link.Entry_ID _Chem_comp_db_link.Comp_ID yes MMCD cq_09129 . bmse001193 BMET001193 yes PubChem 155773 cid bmse001193 BMET001193 stop_ loop_ _Chem_comp_citation.Citation_ID _Chem_comp_citation.Citation_label _Chem_comp_citation.Entry_ID _Chem_comp_citation.Comp_ID 1 $citation_pubchem bmse001193 BMET001193 stop_ save_ ##################################### # Sample contents and methodology # ##################################### ######################## # Sample description # ######################## save_sample_1 _Sample.Sf_category sample _Sample.Sf_framecode sample_1 _Sample.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Sample.ID 1 _Sample.Type solution loop_ _Sample_component.ID _Sample_component.Mol_common_name _Sample_component.Isotopic_labeling _Sample_component.Assembly_ID _Sample_component.Assembly_label _Sample_component.Entity_ID _Sample_component.Entity_label _Sample_component.Type _Sample_component.Concentration_val _Sample_component.Concentration_val_units _Sample_component.Vendor _Sample_component.Vendor_product_name _Sample_component.Vendor_product_code _Sample_component.Entry_ID _Sample_component.Sample_ID 1 'Berberine chloride' 'natural abundance' 1 $assembly_1 1 $entity_1 solute 100 mM Sigma-Aldrich 'Berberine chloride' 'B3251 Sigma' bmse001193 1 2 Methanol-d4 . . . . . solvent 100.0 % . . . bmse001193 1 3 TMS . . . . . reference 0.05 % . . . bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ ####################### # Sample conditions # ####################### save_sample_conditions_1 _Sample_condition_list.Sf_category sample_conditions _Sample_condition_list.Sf_framecode sample_conditions_1 _Sample_condition_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Sample_condition_list.ID 1 loop_ _Sample_condition_variable.Type _Sample_condition_variable.Val _Sample_condition_variable.Val_err _Sample_condition_variable.Val_units _Sample_condition_variable.Entry_ID _Sample_condition_variable.Sample_condition_list_ID pressure 1 . atm bmse001193 1 temperature 298 0.1 K bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ ############################ # Computer software used # ############################ save_software_topspin _Software.Sf_category software _Software.Sf_framecode software_topspin _Software.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Software.ID 1 _Software.Name TopSpin _Software.Version 2.1 loop_ _Vendor.Name _Vendor.Electronic_address _Vendor.Entry_ID _Vendor.Software_ID 'Bruker Biospin' bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Task.Task _Task.Entry_ID _Task.Software_ID collection bmse001193 1 'data analysis' bmse001193 1 'peak picking' bmse001193 1 processing bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ save_software_nmrbot _Software.Sf_category software _Software.Sf_framecode software_nmrbot _Software.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Software.ID 2 _Software.Name NMRbot _Software.Version 20140226 loop_ _Vendor.Name _Vendor.Electronic_address _Vendor.Entry_ID _Vendor.Software_ID NMRFAM bmse001193 2 stop_ loop_ _Task.Task _Task.Entry_ID _Task.Software_ID collection bmse001193 2 stop_ loop_ _Software_citation.Citation_ID _Software_citation.Citation_label _Software_citation.Entry_ID _Software_citation.Software_ID 2 $citation_nmrbot bmse001193 2 stop_ save_ ######################### # Experimental detail # ######################### ################################## # NMR Spectrometer definitions # ################################## save_kerry _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_category NMR_spectrometer _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_framecode kerry _NMR_spectrometer.Entry_ID bmse001193 _NMR_spectrometer.ID 1 _NMR_spectrometer.Details 'equipped with SampleJet automated sample changer' _NMR_spectrometer.Manufacturer Bruker _NMR_spectrometer.Model 'Avance III' _NMR_spectrometer.Field_strength 500 save_ ############################# # NMR applied experiments # ############################# save_experiment_list _Experiment_list.Sf_category experiment_list _Experiment_list.Sf_framecode experiment_list _Experiment_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Experiment_list.ID 1 loop_ _Experiment.ID _Experiment.Name _Experiment.Raw_data_flag _Experiment.Sample_ID _Experiment.Sample_label _Experiment.Sample_state _Experiment.Sample_condition_list_ID _Experiment.Sample_condition_list_label _Experiment.NMR_spectrometer_ID _Experiment.NMR_spectrometer_label _Experiment.Entry_ID _Experiment.Experiment_list_ID 1 '1D 1H' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 2 '2D 1H-1H TOCSY' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 3 '1D 13C' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 4 '1D DEPT90' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 5 '1D DEPT135' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 6 '2D 1H-13C HSQC' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 7 '2D 1H-13C HSQC SW small' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 8 '2D 1H-13C HMBC' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 9 '2D 1H-1H COSY' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 10 '2D 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA' yes 1 $sample_1 isotropic 1 $sample_conditions_1 1 $kerry bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Experiment_file.Experiment_ID _Experiment_file.Name _Experiment_file.Type _Experiment_file.Directory_path _Experiment_file.Details _Experiment_file.Entry_ID _Experiment_file.Experiment_list_ID 1 1D_1H text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 1 1D_1H.xml text/xml nmr/set01/transitions/1D_1H 'TopSpin peak list' bmse001193 1 1 1D_1H_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/1D_1H 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 2 2D_1H-1H_TOCSY text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 2 2D_1H-1H_TOCSY_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-1H_TOCSY 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 3 1D_13C text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 3 1D_13C.xml text/xml nmr/set01/transitions/1D_13C 'TopSpin peak list' bmse001193 1 3 1D_13C_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/1D_13C 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 4 1D_DEPT90 text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 4 1D_DEPT90.xml text/xml nmr/set01/transitions/1D_DEPT90 'TopSpin peak list' bmse001193 1 4 1D_DEPT90_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/1D_DEPT90 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 5 1D_DEPT135 text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 5 1D_DEPT135.xml text/xml nmr/set01/transitions/1D_DEPT135 'TopSpin peak list' bmse001193 1 5 1D_DEPT135_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/1D_DEPT135 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 6 2D_1H-13C_HSQC text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 6 2D_1H-13C_HSQC.xml text/xml nmr/set01/transitions/2D_1H-13C_HSQC 'TopSpin peak list' bmse001193 1 6 2D_1H-13C_HSQC_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-13C_HSQC 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 7 2D_1H-13C_HSQC_SW_small text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 8 2D_1H-13C_HMBC text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 8 2D_1H-13C_HMBC_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-13C_HMBC 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 9 2D_1H-1H_COSY text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 9 2D_1H-1H_COSY_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-1H_COSY 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 10 2D_1H-13C_HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA text/directory nmr/set01 'NMR experiment directory' bmse001193 1 10 2D_1H-13C_HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA_0.png image/png nmr/set01/spectra/2D_1H-13C_HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA 'Spectral image' bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ #################### # NMR parameters # #################### ############################## # Assigned chemical shifts # ############################## ################################ # Chemical shift referencing # ################################ save_chem_shift_ref_set01 _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_category chem_shift_reference _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_framecode chem_shift_ref_set01 _Chem_shift_reference.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Chem_shift_reference.ID 1 loop_ _Chem_shift_ref.Atom_type _Chem_shift_ref.Atom_isotope_number _Chem_shift_ref.Mol_common_name _Chem_shift_ref.Atom_group _Chem_shift_ref.Chem_shift_units _Chem_shift_ref.Chem_shift_val _Chem_shift_ref.Ref_method _Chem_shift_ref.Ref_type _Chem_shift_ref.Indirect_shift_ratio _Chem_shift_ref.Entry_ID _Chem_shift_ref.Chem_shift_reference_ID C 13 TMS 'methyl carbons' ppm 0.0 internal direct 1.0 bmse001193 1 H 1 TMS 'methyl protons' ppm 0.0 internal direct 1.0 bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ ################################### # Assigned chemical shift lists # ################################### ################################################################### # Chemical Shift Ambiguity Index Value Definitions # # # # The values other than 1 are used for those atoms with different # # chemical shifts that cannot be assigned to stereospecific atoms # # or to specific residues or chains. # # # # Index Value Definition # # # # 1 Unique (including isolated methyl protons, # # geminal atoms, and geminal methyl # # groups with identical chemical shifts) # # (e.g. ILE HD11, HD12, HD13 protons) # # 2 Ambiguity of geminal atoms or geminal methyl # # proton groups (e.g. ASP HB2 and HB3 # # protons, LEU CD1 and CD2 carbons, or # # LEU HD11, HD12, HD13 and HD21, HD22, # # HD23 methyl protons) # # 3 Aromatic atoms on opposite sides of # # symmetrical rings (e.g. TYR HE1 and HE2 # # protons) # # 4 Intraresidue ambiguities (e.g. LYS HG and # # HD protons or TRP HZ2 and HZ3 protons) # # 5 Interresidue ambiguities (LYS 12 vs. LYS 27) # # 6 Intermolecular ambiguities (e.g. ASP 31 CA # # in monomer 1 and ASP 31 CA in monomer 2 # # of an asymmetrical homodimer, duplex # # DNA assignments, or other assignments # # that may apply to atoms in one or more # # molecule in the molecular assembly) # # 9 Ambiguous, specific ambiguity not defined # # # ################################################################### save_chem_shift_set01 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_category assigned_chemical_shifts _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_framecode chem_shift_set01 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID 1 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_ID 1 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_label $sample_conditions_1 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_ID 1 _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_label $chem_shift_ref_set01 loop_ _Chem_shift_experiment.Experiment_ID _Chem_shift_experiment.Experiment_name _Chem_shift_experiment.Sample_ID _Chem_shift_experiment.Sample_label _Chem_shift_experiment.Entry_ID _Chem_shift_experiment.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID 1 '1D 1H' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 2 '2D 1H-1H TOCSY' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 3 '1D 13C' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 4 '1D DEPT90' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 5 '1D DEPT135' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 6 '2D 1H-13C HSQC' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 8 '2D 1H-13C HMBC' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 9 '2D 1H-1H COSY' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 10 '2D 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY-ADIA' 1 $sample_1 bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Chem_shift_software.Software_ID _Chem_shift_software.Software_label _Chem_shift_software.Entry_ID _Chem_shift_software.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID 1 $software_topspin bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Atom_chem_shift.ID _Atom_chem_shift.Assembly_atom_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Entity_assembly_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Entity_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Comp_index_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Comp_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_type _Atom_chem_shift.Atom_isotope_number _Atom_chem_shift.Val _Atom_chem_shift.Ambiguity_code _Atom_chem_shift.Entry_ID _Atom_chem_shift.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID 1 7 1 1 1 BMET001193 C16 C 13 135.1376 1 bmse001193 1 2 8 1 1 1 BMET001193 C14 C 13 139.6668 1 bmse001193 1 3 9 1 1 1 BMET001193 C13 C 13 131.913 1 bmse001193 1 4 10 1 1 1 BMET001193 C15 C 13 123.3308 1 bmse001193 1 5 11 1 1 1 BMET001193 C12 C 13 121.8971 1 bmse001193 1 6 12 1 1 1 BMET001193 C7 C 13 121.5078 1 bmse001193 1 7 13 1 1 1 BMET001193 C10 C 13 146.4605 1 bmse001193 1 8 14 1 1 1 BMET001193 C19 C 13 149.9416 4 bmse001193 1 9 15 1 1 1 BMET001193 C9 C 13 106.5618 1 bmse001193 1 10 16 1 1 1 BMET001193 C20 C 13 145.7458 4 bmse001193 1 11 17 1 1 1 BMET001193 C18 C 13 152.1806 4 bmse001193 1 12 18 1 1 1 BMET001193 C8 C 13 109.4149 1 bmse001193 1 13 19 1 1 1 BMET001193 C6 C 13 57.197 1 bmse001193 1 14 20 1 1 1 BMET001193 C5 C 13 28.2035 1 bmse001193 1 15 21 1 1 1 BMET001193 C17 C 13 152.051 4 bmse001193 1 16 22 1 1 1 BMET001193 C3 C 13 124.5432 4 bmse001193 1 17 23 1 1 1 BMET001193 C4 C 13 128.0052 4 bmse001193 1 18 24 1 1 1 BMET001193 C11 C 13 103.7092 1 bmse001193 1 19 25 1 1 1 BMET001193 C2 C 13 57.6343 4 bmse001193 1 20 26 1 1 1 BMET001193 C1 C 13 62.5673 4 bmse001193 1 21 27 1 1 1 BMET001193 H38 H 1 8.6805 1 bmse001193 1 22 28 1 1 1 BMET001193 H41 H 1 9.7549 1 bmse001193 1 23 29 1 1 1 BMET001193 H40 H 1 7.6314 1 bmse001193 1 24 30 1 1 1 BMET001193 H39 H 1 6.9461 1 bmse001193 1 25 31 1 1 1 BMET001193 H36 H 1 4.9181 1 bmse001193 1 26 32 1 1 1 BMET001193 H37 H 1 4.9181 1 bmse001193 1 27 33 1 1 1 BMET001193 H34 H 1 3.2573 1 bmse001193 1 28 34 1 1 1 BMET001193 H35 H 1 3.2573 1 bmse001193 1 29 35 1 1 1 BMET001193 H32 H 1 7.9867 4 bmse001193 1 30 36 1 1 1 BMET001193 H33 H 1 8.1051 4 bmse001193 1 31 37 1 1 1 BMET001193 H42 H 1 6.1 1 bmse001193 1 32 38 1 1 1 BMET001193 H43 H 1 6.1 1 bmse001193 1 33 39 1 1 1 BMET001193 H31 H 1 4.107 4 bmse001193 1 34 40 1 1 1 BMET001193 H30 H 1 4.107 4 bmse001193 1 35 41 1 1 1 BMET001193 H29 H 1 4.107 4 bmse001193 1 36 42 1 1 1 BMET001193 H27 H 1 4.1971 4 bmse001193 1 37 43 1 1 1 BMET001193 H28 H 1 4.1971 4 bmse001193 1 38 44 1 1 1 BMET001193 H26 H 1 4.1971 4 bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift.Ambiguous_shift_set_ID _Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift.Atom_chem_shift_ID _Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift.Entry_ID _Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID 1 8 bmse001193 1 1 11 bmse001193 1 2 10 bmse001193 1 2 15 bmse001193 1 3 16 bmse001193 1 3 17 bmse001193 1 4 19 bmse001193 1 4 20 bmse001193 1 5 29 bmse001193 1 5 30 bmse001193 1 6 33 bmse001193 1 6 34 bmse001193 1 6 35 bmse001193 1 6 36 bmse001193 1 6 37 bmse001193 1 6 38 bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ ######################### # Spectral peak lists # ######################### save_spectral_peaks_1D_1H_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category spectral_peak_list _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode spectral_peaks_1D_1H_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Spectral_peak_list.ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label $sample_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label $sample_conditions_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name '1D 1H' _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Details 'F1: 1H' loop_ _Spectral_dim.ID _Spectral_dim.Atom_type _Spectral_dim.Atom_isotope_number _Spectral_dim.Spectral_region _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width_units _Spectral_dim.Entry_ID _Spectral_dim.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 H 1 'Full H' 16.03 ppm bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_peak_software.Software_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Software_label _Spectral_peak_software.Entry_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 $software_topspin bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition.ID _Spectral_transition.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 bmse001193 1 2 bmse001193 1 3 bmse001193 1 4 bmse001193 1 5 bmse001193 1 6 bmse001193 1 7 bmse001193 1 8 bmse001193 1 9 bmse001193 1 10 bmse001193 1 11 bmse001193 1 12 bmse001193 1 13 bmse001193 1 14 bmse001193 1 15 bmse001193 1 16 bmse001193 1 17 bmse001193 1 18 bmse001193 1 19 bmse001193 1 20 bmse001193 1 21 bmse001193 1 22 bmse001193 1 23 bmse001193 1 24 bmse001193 1 25 bmse001193 1 26 bmse001193 1 27 bmse001193 1 28 bmse001193 1 29 bmse001193 1 30 bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Intensity_val _Spectral_transition_general_char.Measurement_method _Spectral_transition_general_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 2.23 'relative height' bmse001193 1 2 2.75 'relative height' bmse001193 1 3 1.68 'relative height' bmse001193 1 4 2.22 'relative height' bmse001193 1 5 1.71 'relative height' bmse001193 1 6 1.25 'relative height' bmse001193 1 7 3.68 'relative height' bmse001193 1 8 2.66 'relative height' bmse001193 1 9 9.85 'relative height' bmse001193 1 10 0.97 'relative height' bmse001193 1 11 1.36 'relative height' bmse001193 1 12 1.00 'relative height' bmse001193 1 13 4.70 'relative height' bmse001193 1 14 0.31 'relative height' bmse001193 1 15 0.35 'relative height' bmse001193 1 16 0.39 'relative height' bmse001193 1 17 0.42 'relative height' bmse001193 1 18 0.45 'relative height' bmse001193 1 19 15.00 'relative height' bmse001193 1 20 1.15 'relative height' bmse001193 1 21 14.24 'relative height' bmse001193 1 22 0.46 'relative height' bmse001193 1 23 1.05 'relative height' bmse001193 1 24 1.89 'relative height' bmse001193 1 25 2.57 'relative height' bmse001193 1 26 1.76 'relative height' bmse001193 1 27 0.92 'relative height' bmse001193 1 28 1.33 'relative height' bmse001193 1 29 1.72 'relative height' bmse001193 1 30 1.20 'relative height' bmse001193 1 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_dim_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Chem_shift_val _Spectral_transition_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 1 9.7687 bmse001193 1 2 1 8.6898 bmse001193 1 3 1 8.1162 bmse001193 1 4 1 8.0979 bmse001193 1 5 1 7.9995 bmse001193 1 6 1 7.9814 bmse001193 1 7 1 7.6452 bmse001193 1 8 1 6.9564 bmse001193 1 9 1 6.1012 bmse001193 1 10 1 4.9373 bmse001193 1 11 1 4.9247 bmse001193 1 12 1 4.9118 bmse001193 1 13 1 4.8953 bmse001193 1 14 1 4.2105 bmse001193 1 15 1 4.2095 bmse001193 1 16 1 4.2086 bmse001193 1 17 1 4.2076 bmse001193 1 18 1 4.2066 bmse001193 1 19 1 4.1998 bmse001193 1 20 1 4.1964 bmse001193 1 21 1 4.1006 bmse001193 1 22 1 4.0157 bmse001193 1 23 1 3.3118 bmse001193 1 24 1 3.3085 bmse001193 1 25 1 3.3052 bmse001193 1 26 1 3.3020 bmse001193 1 27 1 3.2987 bmse001193 1 28 1 3.2656 bmse001193 1 29 1 3.2529 bmse001193 1 30 1 3.2402 bmse001193 1 stop_ save_ save_spectral_peaks_1D_13C_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category spectral_peak_list _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode spectral_peaks_1D_13C_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Spectral_peak_list.ID 3 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label $sample_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label $sample_conditions_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID 3 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name '1D 13C' _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Details 'F1: 13C' loop_ _Spectral_dim.ID _Spectral_dim.Atom_type _Spectral_dim.Atom_isotope_number _Spectral_dim.Spectral_region _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width_units _Spectral_dim.Entry_ID _Spectral_dim.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 C 13 'Full C' 248.61 ppm bmse001193 3 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_peak_software.Software_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Software_label _Spectral_peak_software.Entry_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 $software_topspin bmse001193 3 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition.ID _Spectral_transition.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 bmse001193 3 2 bmse001193 3 3 bmse001193 3 4 bmse001193 3 5 bmse001193 3 6 bmse001193 3 7 bmse001193 3 8 bmse001193 3 9 bmse001193 3 10 bmse001193 3 11 bmse001193 3 12 bmse001193 3 13 bmse001193 3 14 bmse001193 3 15 bmse001193 3 16 bmse001193 3 17 bmse001193 3 18 bmse001193 3 19 bmse001193 3 20 bmse001193 3 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Intensity_val _Spectral_transition_general_char.Measurement_method _Spectral_transition_general_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 0.11 'relative height' bmse001193 3 2 0.25 'relative height' bmse001193 3 3 0.15 'relative height' bmse001193 3 4 0.14 'relative height' bmse001193 3 5 0.16 'relative height' bmse001193 3 6 0.09 'relative height' bmse001193 3 7 0.24 'relative height' bmse001193 3 8 0.26 'relative height' bmse001193 3 9 0.46 'relative height' bmse001193 3 10 0.24 'relative height' bmse001193 3 11 0.19 'relative height' bmse001193 3 12 0.18 'relative height' bmse001193 3 13 0.22 'relative height' bmse001193 3 14 0.44 'relative height' bmse001193 3 15 0.45 'relative height' bmse001193 3 16 0.35 'relative height' bmse001193 3 17 0.43 'relative height' bmse001193 3 18 0.23 'relative height' bmse001193 3 19 0.23 'relative height' bmse001193 3 20 0.27 'relative height' bmse001193 3 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_dim_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Chem_shift_val _Spectral_transition_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 1 152.1806 bmse001193 3 2 1 152.0510 bmse001193 3 3 1 149.9416 bmse001193 3 4 1 146.4605 bmse001193 3 5 1 145.7458 bmse001193 3 6 1 139.6668 bmse001193 3 7 1 135.1376 bmse001193 3 8 1 131.9130 bmse001193 3 9 1 128.0052 bmse001193 3 10 1 124.5432 bmse001193 3 11 1 123.3308 bmse001193 3 12 1 121.8971 bmse001193 3 13 1 121.5078 bmse001193 3 14 1 109.4149 bmse001193 3 15 1 106.5618 bmse001193 3 16 1 103.7092 bmse001193 3 17 1 62.5673 bmse001193 3 18 1 57.6343 bmse001193 3 19 1 57.1970 bmse001193 3 20 1 28.2035 bmse001193 3 stop_ loop_ _Assigned_spectral_transition.Spectral_transition_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Spectral_dim_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Assembly_atom_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Val _Assigned_spectral_transition.Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Atom_chem_shift_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Entity_assembly_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Entity_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Comp_index_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Comp_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Atom_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Entry_ID _Assigned_spectral_transition.Spectral_peak_list_ID 11 1 10 123.3308 1 4 1 1 1 BMET001193 C15 bmse001193 3 12 1 11 121.8971 1 5 1 1 1 BMET001193 C12 bmse001193 3 13 1 12 121.5078 1 6 1 1 1 BMET001193 C7 bmse001193 3 14 1 18 109.4149 1 12 1 1 1 BMET001193 C8 bmse001193 3 15 1 15 106.5618 1 9 1 1 1 BMET001193 C9 bmse001193 3 16 1 24 103.7092 1 18 1 1 1 BMET001193 C11 bmse001193 3 19 1 19 57.1970 1 13 1 1 1 BMET001193 C6 bmse001193 3 20 1 20 28.2035 1 14 1 1 1 BMET001193 C5 bmse001193 3 4 1 13 146.4605 1 7 1 1 1 BMET001193 C10 bmse001193 3 6 1 8 139.6668 1 2 1 1 1 BMET001193 C14 bmse001193 3 7 1 7 135.1376 1 1 1 1 1 BMET001193 C16 bmse001193 3 8 1 9 131.9130 1 3 1 1 1 BMET001193 C13 bmse001193 3 stop_ save_ save_spectral_peaks_1D_DEPT90_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category spectral_peak_list _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode spectral_peaks_1D_DEPT90_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Spectral_peak_list.ID 4 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label $sample_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label $sample_conditions_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID 4 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name '1D DEPT90' _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Details 'F1: 13C' loop_ _Spectral_dim.ID _Spectral_dim.Atom_type _Spectral_dim.Atom_isotope_number _Spectral_dim.Spectral_region _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width_units _Spectral_dim.Entry_ID _Spectral_dim.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 C 13 'Full C' 236.77 ppm bmse001193 4 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_peak_software.Software_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Software_label _Spectral_peak_software.Entry_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 $software_topspin bmse001193 4 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition.ID _Spectral_transition.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 bmse001193 4 2 bmse001193 4 3 bmse001193 4 4 bmse001193 4 5 bmse001193 4 6 bmse001193 4 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Intensity_val _Spectral_transition_general_char.Measurement_method _Spectral_transition_general_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 4.66 'relative height' bmse001193 4 2 10.49 'relative height' bmse001193 4 3 10.71 'relative height' bmse001193 4 4 13.10 'relative height' bmse001193 4 5 15.00 'relative height' bmse001193 4 6 12.18 'relative height' bmse001193 4 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_dim_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Chem_shift_val _Spectral_transition_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 1 146.2251 bmse001193 4 2 1 127.7665 bmse001193 4 3 1 124.3041 bmse001193 4 4 1 121.2680 bmse001193 4 5 1 109.1776 bmse001193 4 6 1 106.3240 bmse001193 4 stop_ save_ save_spectral_peaks_1D_DEPT135_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category spectral_peak_list _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode spectral_peaks_1D_DEPT135_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Spectral_peak_list.ID 5 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label $sample_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label $sample_conditions_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID 5 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name '1D DEPT135' _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Details 'F1: 13C' loop_ _Spectral_dim.ID _Spectral_dim.Atom_type _Spectral_dim.Atom_isotope_number _Spectral_dim.Spectral_region _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width_units _Spectral_dim.Entry_ID _Spectral_dim.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 C 13 'Full C' 236.77 ppm bmse001193 5 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_peak_software.Software_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Software_label _Spectral_peak_software.Entry_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 $software_topspin bmse001193 5 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition.ID _Spectral_transition.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 bmse001193 5 2 bmse001193 5 3 bmse001193 5 4 bmse001193 5 5 bmse001193 5 6 bmse001193 5 7 bmse001193 5 8 bmse001193 5 9 bmse001193 5 10 bmse001193 5 11 bmse001193 5 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Intensity_val _Spectral_transition_general_char.Measurement_method _Spectral_transition_general_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 3.92 'relative height' bmse001193 5 2 10.53 'relative height' bmse001193 5 3 10.78 'relative height' bmse001193 5 4 12.90 'relative height' bmse001193 5 5 15.00 'relative height' bmse001193 5 6 12.42 'relative height' bmse001193 5 7 -14.37 'relative height' bmse001193 5 8 12.23 'relative height' bmse001193 5 9 13.79 'relative height' bmse001193 5 10 -12.42 'relative height' bmse001193 5 11 -13.87 'relative height' bmse001193 5 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_dim_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Chem_shift_val _Spectral_transition_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 1 146.4499 bmse001193 5 2 1 127.9907 bmse001193 5 3 1 124.5287 bmse001193 5 4 1 121.4930 bmse001193 5 5 1 109.4027 bmse001193 5 6 1 106.5488 bmse001193 5 7 1 103.7008 bmse001193 5 8 1 62.5602 bmse001193 5 9 1 57.6179 bmse001193 5 10 1 57.1858 bmse001193 5 11 1 28.1929 bmse001193 5 stop_ save_ save_spectral_peaks_2D_1H_13C_HSQC_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category spectral_peak_list _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode spectral_peaks_2D_1H_13C_HSQC_set01 _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID bmse001193 _Spectral_peak_list.ID 6 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label $sample_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID 1 _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label $sample_conditions_1 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID 6 _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name '2D 1H-13C HSQC' _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions 2 _Spectral_peak_list.Details 'F1: 13C, F2: 1H' loop_ _Spectral_dim.ID _Spectral_dim.Atom_type _Spectral_dim.Atom_isotope_number _Spectral_dim.Spectral_region _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width _Spectral_dim.Sweep_width_units _Spectral_dim.Entry_ID _Spectral_dim.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 C 13 'Full C' 165.64 ppm bmse001193 6 2 H 1 'Full H' 12.99 ppm bmse001193 6 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_peak_software.Software_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Software_label _Spectral_peak_software.Entry_ID _Spectral_peak_software.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 $software_topspin bmse001193 6 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition.ID _Spectral_transition.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 bmse001193 6 2 bmse001193 6 3 bmse001193 6 4 bmse001193 6 5 bmse001193 6 6 bmse001193 6 7 bmse001193 6 8 bmse001193 6 9 bmse001193 6 10 bmse001193 6 11 bmse001193 6 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Intensity_val _Spectral_transition_general_char.Measurement_method _Spectral_transition_general_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_general_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 38503.33 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 2 54592.84 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 3 75462.28 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 4 132271.65 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 5 121176.75 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 6 121045.12 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 7 259205.83 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 8 186703.33 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 9 243703.65 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 10 225471.81 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 11 165583.95 'absolute height' bmse001193 6 stop_ loop_ _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_transition_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_dim_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Chem_shift_val _Spectral_transition_char.Entry_ID _Spectral_transition_char.Spectral_peak_list_ID 1 1 146.3664 bmse001193 6 1 2 9.7549 bmse001193 6 2 1 127.5737 bmse001193 6 2 2 8.1051 bmse001193 6 3 1 124.4114 bmse001193 6 3 2 7.9867 bmse001193 6 4 1 121.6106 bmse001193 6 4 2 8.6805 bmse001193 6 5 1 109.2327 bmse001193 6 5 2 6.9461 bmse001193 6 6 1 106.4319 bmse001193 6 6 2 7.6314 bmse001193 6 7 1 103.6310 bmse001193 6 7 2 6.1000 bmse001193 6 8 1 62.1793 bmse001193 6 8 2 4.1971 bmse001193 6 9 1 57.2793 bmse001193 6 9 2 4.1070 bmse001193 6 10 1 57.0259 bmse001193 6 10 2 4.9181 bmse001193 6 11 1 28.2172 bmse001193 6 11 2 3.2573 bmse001193 6 stop_ save_